Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

Find Cancer Centers in Georgia

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Clinical Trial data last updated Sep 24, 2024.

(only zip code is required for a distance search, however a street address will give more accurate results, especially in rural areas)

View All Cancer Centers in Georgia

Adapted from the National Cancer Institute's Clinical Trials Search API

This searchable directory contains profiles of many cancer treatment sites in Georgia, specifically physician practices and hospital-based cancer programs that are affiliates of the Georgia CORE Research Network and those accredited by the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer.

Need to Update Your Cancer Center's Profile?

Fill out the update form (you may use either the PDF or MS Word versions below) and
fax to 404-584-8839 or email to

Word  CancerTreatmentSitesUpdate.pdf

Word  CancerTreatmentSitesUpdate.doc