Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

Georgia Cancer Control Advocacy Network (GCCAN)

The newly formed Georgia Cancer Control Advocacy Network (GCCAN) is a network of survivors and others who care deeply about cancer control and survivorship for all of Georgia. GCCAN is made up of people willing to contact legislators or other elected officials -- the governor, congressman(woman), etc. -- when there is a need for support for cancer control or survivorship initiatives. By joining GCCAN, you'll receive updates via email, text or phone when there is an opportunity to advocate for an important policy issue.

We may ask GCCAN members to contact elected officials by email, phone, mail, social media or seeing them in person. Legislators want to hear from their constituents, so you can make an enormous impact when you contact them directly. You don't have to be an expert in policy, you just have to be passionate and have a desire to use your voice to make a difference.

We would be very excited to have you join us!


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  • Georgia Cancer Control Advocacy Network (GCCAN)


...See Georgia CORE's Annual Accomplishments

...Read 5 Actions to Save More Lives

...Ga. State Rep. Marcus Wiedower speaks about relevance of Georgia CORE from the well

...Read Cancer News

...Read Georgia CORE News

Last Updated: 2/28/2022 11:39:00 AM


Georgia CORE is expanding our team

Georgia CORE is looking to fill the position of a part-time Chief Medical Officer.


Georgia CORE awards Cancer Research Fund grant to two teams

Georgia CORE has awarded two teams a Collaborative Cancer Research Seed Grant from the Georgia Cancer Research Fund.
