Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)

Georgia CORE received a multi-tiered award from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) to support “Patient-Centered Cancer Survivorship Care:  Improving Quality of Care and Quality of Life for Survivors in Georgia.”

This Pipeline to Proposal project was developed collaboratively with Lanell Bellury, PhD, an expert in cancer survivorship and Associate Professor at Georgia Baptist College of Nursing of Mercer University. The award from PCORI will enable Georgia CORE to engage cancer survivors, healthcare providers and many other stakeholders in the process of developing research to address the needs of vulnerable cancer survivors in Georgia.  "The on-going healthcare needs of cancer survivors, especially vulnerable older and minority survivors, are well recognized yet little evidence exists to guide the best care for survivors. With the number of cancer survivors growing exponentially, it is imperative that we discover the best way to meet the needs of survivors across the state," notes Dr. Bellury.

2015 Press Release                                                       Stakeholders Meeting 09.28.16

Tier I Announcement                           Tier I Goals

Tier II Announcement                          Tier II Goals

Tier III Announcement                         Tier III Goals

Last Updated: 8/23/2024 10:14:16 AM

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Georgia CORE is expanding our team

Georgia CORE is looking to fill the position of a part-time Chief Medical Officer.


Georgia CORE awards Cancer Research Fund grant to two teams

Georgia CORE has awarded two teams a Collaborative Cancer Research Seed Grant from the Georgia Cancer Research Fund.
